March-April: huge schools of walleye roam the south-central area of Lake Erie’s shallow waters of the Western Basin. Anglers seek pre-spawn walleye by the hundreds. Through April, the northwest reefs and beaches of Port Clinton are teaming with walleye searching the shallow sandy bottoms looking for bait fish. Bright colored jigs tipped with minnows are quite a favorite method for catching some of the seasons largest fish. |
May: The walleye tend to move into deeper water around the islands and reefs. |
July-August: The highest month for catch-rate, the Western Basin is higher in July & August that any other month. Average catch-rate in the Western Basin is generally higher than 30% during this time of the year. |
Sept-Nov (Huron): Walleye/Perch Combo (dates fill fast for this, book soon) Biggest fish of the year caught at this time – 5-12# not uncommon. |
| Click here for the ODNR Report, Rules and Regulations.Purchase your Fishing License On-line hereNew Ohio Fishing/Game Regulations |